Factors influencing long-term heart failure mortality in patients with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in Western Sweden: probable dose-related protection from beta-blocker therapy

Objective In order to avoid effects of referral bias, we assessed risk factors for disease-related mortality in a geographical cohort of patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM), and any therapy effect on survival. Methods Diagnostic databases in 10 hospitals in


Heatstroke is the most hazardous condition in a spectrum of illnesses progressing from heat exhaustion to heatstroke, in which a shared finding is hyperthermia (i.e. the rise in core body temperature when heat accumulation overrides heat dissipation during exercise or


Heatstroke is the most hazardous condition in a spectrum of illnesses progressing from heat exhaustion to heatstroke, in which a shared finding is hyperthermia (i.e. the rise in core body temperature when heat accumulation overrides heat dissipation during exercise or

Correction: 23 Long term lead survival in adult congenital heart disease patients: a retrospective analysis using clinical correspondence data mining

Stokes A, Brigante O, Rohan K, et al 23 Long term lead survival in adult congenital heart disease patients: a retrospective analysis using clinical correspondence data mining. Heart 2018;104:A22–3. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2018-BCS.23. In this article the author Ozhin Brigante should have been listed as

A map of human individuality

Nature Reviews Genetics, Published online: 25 June 2019; doi:10.1038/s41576-019-0149-8 A study in Genome Biology reports an unbiased screen for human genomic regions at which interindividual variation in DNA methylation is consistent across cell types and tissues, providing new targets for

Defining Genetic Variation in Widely Used Congenic and Backcrossed Mouse Models Reveals Varied Regulation of Genes Important for Immune Responses

Congenic and backcrossed mouse models retain genetic content from their original parent strains, but this genetic variable often remains unknown. Chisolm et al. present alternative processing strategies for next-generation sequencing datasets to define genetic variation and find substantial differences in SJL

Highlights from this issue

Global health: tuberculosisDiagnosis Though the WHO endorsed gold standard for diagnosing tuberculosis in all age groups is positive microbiology, this is notoriously difficult to achieve in children. If all else fails and the infrastructure allows, bronchoscopy is an option, but

Highlights from this issue

Automated FiO2 adjustment In an issue bursting with great content the Editor’s choice this month is closed-loop automated FiO2 control. The potential for this technology to improve clinical outcomes of high-risk preterm infants is obvious and most manufacturers are working

Cardiovascular outcomes of early versus delayed coronary intervention in low to intermediate-risk patients with STEMI in Thailand: a randomised trial

Background The benefit of an early coronary intervention after streptokinase (SK) therapy in low to intermediate-risk patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) still remains uncertain. The current study aimed to evaluate the cardiovascular outcomes of early versus delayed coronary intervention

Our choices

Many scientific journals these days have taken to designating a particularly intriguing, important or extremely well done paper that appears in that month’s issue. At the EMJ, we actually have several such papers, and I was thinking that perhaps our

[Editorial] ICD-11

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a health statistics coding tool that aims to describe an entity that is challenging to quantify and even more problematic to standardise—the human condition. The history of ICD dates back to 16th century

[Editorial] The lost boys

The gravity of gender inequality seems to have, at last, reached all sectors of society. A watershed on dangerously permissive attitudes to sexual assaults, outrage at gender-oriented discrimination, and a refusal to accept socially constructed gender roles are aired daily

Regional Heterogeneity in Gene Expression, Regulation, and Coherence in the Frontal Cortex and Hippocampus across Development and Schizophrenia

Collado-Torres et al. describe the BrainSeq Phase II gene expression resource encompassing two brain regions from 551 genotyped individuals spanning the entire human lifespan (286 with schizophrenia). This resource can answer region-specific questions about development and schizophrenia and its genetic risk.

The UK National Amyloidosis CentreThe National Amyloidosis Centre at the Royal Free Hospital and University College London is the world’s largest amyloidosis centre with almost 1500 patient referrals annually

The National Amyloidosis Centre (NAC) is a wholly integrated clinic and research facility located in the Royal Free Hospital and University College London (UCL). The NAC has been at the cutting edge of research and treatment into all aspects of

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